When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Kate Dual Blend Eyes BR-1 & GD-1

It's my second palette from Kanebo Kate I've bought when I visited Singapore last year.

The colors are BR-1 & GD-1, which BR stands for Brown, and GD is Gold.
When I bought these palette I have no idea why my hand just picked up these colors...
Why not the green one, or the pink one that I don't have yet? Why....wwwhyyy?  (゚(゚(゚(゚Д゚)!?
That's what I regret these days 'bout my stupidness. So much helpless....

 (left : BR-1, right : BR-1)

BR-1 is a bit similar with my Diamond Cut Eyes BR-3.
And GD-1 is gold tone brown, which similar with Lavshuca Melting Eyes BR-1.
But not all that similar, I believe those palette have their own unique. (encouraging my self ...haha!)

the Dual Blend Eyes are very pigmented as well.
With shimmery silky finish.
I think most of japanese eyeshadow brand I know have shimmery finish (or glittery).
But I must admited both colors are kinda boring, right?
As I always bought the same kind of colors again and ....again!
I can't helped my self to stop buying beige-brown theme of eyeshadows.
Oh noooo....!   ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Rating : ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I love Japanese make-up too! hahaha
    These colors look a bit icy and pale though... Do they actually look good on your eyes?

    Great post btw (: I'm glad I followed you hehe

    1. It's not that pale or icy actually :D I'm so sorry maybe it's because of my bad photography tee hee....
      I took these pictures in outdoor, maybe thats why too much light reflected the shimmers.
      The textures are similar to Lavshuca's Melting Eyes that I reviewed before.

      Here is the link: http://mokona-ai.blogspot.com/2012/02/lavshuca-melting-eyes-br-1-rd-1.html

      Btw thanks to followed me, already followed you too~♥
